I was wondering if anyone has tried this game about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in your class, and if so, what are some steps you took to lower the potential for unproductive arguments amongst students?
Also, any lesson plans or worksheets?
I teach 9th grade geography and have a Middle East unit, but I've so far avoided this topic. This game, which requires that both sides score above 100 points for the player to win and allows the options of playing as Palestinian or Israeli leadership, was designed by the US Institute for Peace and a panel of advisors from both sides of the conflict over 10 years ago.
It seems carefully designed to foster learning + understanding each side's goals and grievances, but obviously, this is an emotional issue that could easily derail a class if a teacher isn't well prepared.
Thanks. Nickolai
This interactive simulation game is an excellent educational tool for understanding the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It challenges players to navigate diplomatic decisions, highlighting the difficulties in achieving peace. Sharing experiences and insights from playing can deepen our collective understanding and foster meaningful discussions on this important issue.
I haven't used this game before, but I will look into it. Thanks for sharing!
I haven't used this game before, but I will look into it. Thanks for sharing!